Monday, June 21, 2004

Shouldn't the people in charge have to testify too your honor?

Well, I got behind here and haven't been posting much but I will try to do better. I did a bit of travel and had a lot of work to do in the real world. I still have several old stories that I want to discuss but I will get back to them. I'll jump right to the latest. Here is an interesting story. Put Rumsfeld and Bush on the stand to testify about the environment that they created in Iraq that led to the abuse of prisoners. This should be interesting. I especially like the defense lawyer mentioning that the commander in chief said the Geneva Convention didn't apply. I actually thought it was Rumsfeld that said it, but Im sure once they both take the stand they can clear up those little details. Maybe Bush can stop off and testify on his next turkey delivery mission. Seems like a legitimate defense to me. Not that I get to make these decisions unfortunately.


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