Monday, December 27, 2004

I'm so very surprised by this.

According to this story....

It seems like all of those people who voted for Bush because of his support traditional values even though they thought he wasnt doing a great job might be a tad bit disappointed. Next thing you know, the Republicans won't outlaw abortion.

I mean, how stupid can these people be to be led on by the moral hypocrits of the Republican party year after year. These people will not give the people who voted for them what they want; either because they can't, or won't because they know it would be political suicide.

It is a lot safer politically to be a pro-life Republican than someone who helped outlaw abortion. Pro choice people are a lot less motvated to vote against someone when they don't think they need to. A lot of Republicans are making a careers out of talking about outlawing choice, rather than doing it. Nice to see they have a second empty issue to start working up for the morons that cant see through them.


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