Saturday, March 05, 2005

You have to hand it to the ACLU in my opinion. This is Is all about keeping those in power honest. The courts have done this but the other two groups that should be doing it have pretty much rolled over and given up. The press pretty much shows up for a press conference or interview and says "thank you sir, Guckert me again me again. This Democrats, well, who the hell even knows what they are doing. With Dean in charge maybe they will actually start to act like an opposition party.

Part of their problem I think is that the senior people there don't have much experience at being the minority party. They had better get their act together in the next few years or being in the minority is something they will become very experienced at doing. The way they are going now they will become gawd damn Jedi Masters at being a helpless minority. But, at least someone at the ACL


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