Friday, September 30, 2005

In a related story from a few days ago.....

An army captain with says that he tried without success to get his superiors to look into his concerns about prisoner treatment. He was with the 82nd Airborne Division in Iraq. He said that he was concerned that the abuse of prisoners was widespread in Iraq and due to confusion over how prisoners should be treated. He also said that his concerns were only being investigated after he spoke to senators (including John McCain) and Human Rights Watch.

I'm sure this kind of story has nothing to do with the presidents threat the military appropriations bill if it calls for an investigation of prisoner abuse. How long is congress going to condone this behavior by the administration? I guess that is a rhetorical question.

But I also have a prediction. Eventually it is really going to hit the fan about this. And when it does, the lowest people on the totem pole are going to take the hit. Shit of this kind very definately runs downhill and unfortunately the people with the least ability to protect themselves are going to get it all blamed on them. That would of course be the soldiers in the field. It sucks, and it shouldn't happen, but it will. It always does.


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