Thursday, January 20, 2005


As of 12:10 AM on January 20, 2005, my Yahoo Mail service thinks that email from John Kerry is spam. Hard to argue with that. Listen sir, you failed to defeat someone who is arguably the worst president in US history by any reasonable criteria. We counted on you and you didn't deliver. We need someone else. Someone who can do what needs to be done in the next two years before the midterm elections and then in the two years after that. It isn't you. I like you. I voted for you. I sent you money. But you have proven you can't do it. Get out of the way and let someone else try. It will be harder next time. Your next opponent will not be a complete failure as president. If you couldn't communicate the failings of The Leader you aren't going to do better next time. I'm looking for a job in France. I hear it is nice there. I would love to run into you there. I would buy you a beer and we could talk about how the country has gone to the freaks and morons. But you are too nice a guy, and too refined a guy to deal with the bastards.


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