Sunday, September 25, 2005

Some highlights from my abscence that I couldn't ignore. Part 2

Some interesting poll results from our friends at the BBC. Around the world China is more highly regarded as a country than is the US. Yea, that China, the one with the guy standing in front of the tank in the square. Maybe people have forgotten about that. Or worse, maybe they haven't and they don't think it is as bad as the things the US has done recently. In reality, a poll like this doesn't "mean" anything I suppose. But it should perhaps give some thought to those of use who think that our image in the world has some importance. Or even if we don't care about that, maybe it should worry us that for us to think highly of what we are doing we have to presume the rest of the world is out of touch with reality. That is possible, but not likely I'm afraid.



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